Daily Archives: September 7, 2023

2023-09-07: News Headlines

Miguel Santos García (2023-09-07). US Intensifies Its Hybrid War Against Nicaragua. globalresearch.ca

Kit Klarenberg (2023-09-06). Leaked: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia. mintpressnews.com Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia. | In February 2024, citizens will elect their President, Vice President, and both legislative chambers. Current maverick leader Joko Widodo, widely beloved by Indonesians, is ineligible for a third term, and NED is preparing to seize power in the wake of his departure. This operation is conducted despite the leaks indicating Jakarta's foremost intelligence agency has expressly warned U.S. officials to stay put. | The paper trail is…

Editor (2023-09-07). LEAKED: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution In Indonesia. scheerpost.com By Kit Klarenberg / MintPress News Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia. In February 2024, citizens will elect their President, Vice President, and both legislative chambers. Current maverick leader Joko Widodo, widely beloved by Indonesians, is …

Editor (2023-09-07). LEAKED: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution In Indonesia. scheerpost.com By Kit Klarenberg / MintPress News Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia. In February 2024, citizens will elect their President, Vice President, and both legislative chambers. Current maverick leader Joko Widodo, widely beloved by Indonesians, is …

2023-09-07 19:16:53 | 19:16 EST | tr | 6 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0