2024-07-13: News Headlines

Jill Clark-Gollub, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-07-13). US Exploits Animosity Towards Migrants To Demonize Socialist Countries. popularresistance.org The Republican party has been waging a blatantly racist campaign to criminalize migrants. Instead of pushing back on that narrative, the party that purports to be for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Democrats) is exploiting this racist anger to discredit a country it has targeted for regime change—Nicaragua—apparently for not sufficiently suppressing the rights of migrants. As Congresswoman Maria Salazar (R-FL) told a Biden administration representative at a recent hearing, "We agree on the end goal." This is part of a relentless campaign to punish countries that dare to resist Washington's agenda w…

2024-07-13 13:31:04 | 13:31 EST | rz | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 

2024-06-25: News Headlines

Lucia Posteraro (2024-06-25). Duty of vigilance in France: an important step forward despite contrasting decisions. fidh.org

newarab (2024-06-25). How Cairo's Palestine Hospital keeps Palestine's heritage alive. newarab.com Amid the bustling heart of Cairo, Rafeeq Taweel steps into a robust tall building that contrasts with This building is a hospital, one of the many in the Egyptian capital and home to some of the region's most prestigious medical centres. | The Palestinian nurse, however, feels a unique welcoming breeze as he enters these premises. | 2024-06-25 18:54:20 | 18:54 EST | by | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-06-11: News Headlines

Natascha Elena Uhlmann, In These Times. (2024-06-11). The Sanctuary Movement Put US Foreign Policy On Trial. popularresistance.org Forty-two years ago, a Tucson congregation changed the landscape of immigration politics when what started with a legal clinic for Central American asylum seekers quickly grew into a nationwide movement. | Now, some immigration scholars who have tracked the Sanctuary Movement for many years say the spirit of the movement is alive and well in student organizing for Gaza. | The Sanctuary Movement was born in the '80s against the backdrop of repression, death squads, and massacres in El Salvador and Guatemala. Refugees were arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border in desperate search of safety, but fe…

Eline van Ommen (2024-06-11). Recovering the Transnational History of the Sandinista Revolution. counterpunch.org When I submitted my dissertation in 2019, my supervisor gave me the mug that had been on her desk for years. Printed on it were the red and black silhouettes of people waving rifles, flags, and signs in the air. And in white cursive letters, it read: "Nicaragua Must Survive." This was one of the

2024-06-11 23:13:50 | 23:13 EST | tr | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-06-03: News Headlines

ContraCorriente (2024-06-03). The Central American and Palestinian liberation struggles are intertwined. globalvoices.org

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-03). Nicaragua respalda plan para cese al fuego en Gaza de EE.UU. telesurtv.net "Como siempre, nuestra exigencia de respeto y paz, para el pueblo palestino, y para los pueblos del mundo", indicó el Gobierno sandinista.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). US official pressured to resign over Powerpoint on mothers starving in Gaza. presstv.ir A former contractor with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) said he was forced to resign after his presentation focused on declining maternal health in Gaza was canceled by leadership.

2024-06-04 00:32:41 | 00:32 EST | by | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 

2024-05-23: News Headlines

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-05-23). National Endowment For Democracy continues to weaponize human rights. mronline.org The latest example is its pressing for release of John McCain pallbearer from Siberian jail while it ignores a socialist arrested by the Ukrainian intelligence services and another socialist who was murdered.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-05-23). Nicaragua exige sacar a Cuba de lista de países terroristas. telesurtv.net También condenó la inclusión de Países en listas unilaterales bajo falsos pretextos, contrarios al Derecho Internacional y a la Carta de las Naciones Unidas.

2024-05-23 21:36:11 | 21:36 EST | by | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0