2024-05-17: News Headlines

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-05-17). USAID Whistleblowers Accuse Biden Of 'Direct Complicity' In Gaza Famine. popularresistance.org Current and former officials from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department say the White House has ignored months of internal warnings about the spread of famine in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to an in-depth investigation by the Independent. | "I believe the US to be complicit in creating the conditions for famine. Not only has our response been woefully inadequate, but we're actively responsible in large part for it," a USAID employee told the British daily. | Internal documents reviewed by the Independent show that staffers have repeatedly warned USAID administrator Sa…

albawaba (2024-05-17). Saudi Arabia's US Treasury holdings rise to $135.9B, ranked 17th globally. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Saudi Arabia's holdings in US treasuries grew for an eighth month in a row, hitting $135.9 billion in March, an increase of 3.66 percent from the month prior, putting the kingdom in 17th place across the biggest investors who hold such financial assets, according to official figures disclosed by Washington.In contrast, data from the US Treasury department showed that Saudi Arabia had $108.1 billion in Treasury securities as of June of last year, considerably lower than the $119.7 billion it held at the end of 2022. When compared to the same month last year, the Kingdom's foreign reserve assets increase…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-05-17). Volcán Concepción expulsa cenizas y gases en Nicaragua. telesurtv.net Los expertos del Ineter describieron que el ciclo de desgasificación del volcán Concepción transcurría normalmente, lo que no representa peligro para la población.

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-05-17). Venezuela y Cuba rechazan medidas de EE.UU. contra Nicaragua. telesurtv.net Las sanciones van dirigidas a la Compañía Minera Internacional, Sociedad Anónima (Cominisa), a Capital Mining Investment Nicaragua y al Centro de Capacitación del Ministerio del Interior de Rusia en Managua.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-05-17). ALBA-TCP rechaza sanciones de EE.UU. contra Nicaragua. telesurtv.net ALBA-TCP denunció la agresión de EE.UU. sobre medidas coercitivas unilaterales dirigidas contra empresas y más de 250 funcionarios públicos.

2024-05-17 19:17:04 | 19:17 EST | by | 7 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 

2024-05-16: News Headlines

Amos Harel (2024-05-16). Defense chief's dire warning to Netanyahu exposes a deep rift within Israeli leadership. haaretz.com Gallant's statement on Gaza's 'day after' sharply contrast the deafening silence from Gantz and Eizenkot — both of whom should have spoken out long ago. Netanyahu, as usual, decided not to decide. This open rift could boost Hamas' confidence and make a hostage deal even more difficult to secure…

2024-05-16 16:54:27 | 16:54 EST | by | 3 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-05-15: News Headlines

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-05-15). Nicaragua backs up Afghanistan after floods. plenglish.com In a statement sent to the supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Nicaraguan Government noted that as a human family they are dismayed by the tragic floods. | 'We wish to express our heartfelt solidarity, condolences and prayers for the people who have lost their lives in this time of disaster, as well as our steadfast willingness to maintain fraternal communication between our peoples and governments,' he stressed. | The text added that the Nicaraguan Ambassador to Iran Ramon Moncada delivered this message, which is of great significance for those who understand t…

Adriaan Alsema (2024-05-15). Colombia replaces foreign minister over passport scandal. colombiareports.com Colombia's President Gustavo Petro has replaced Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva, who was suspended over his handling of a controversial contract to print passports. Petro appointed Luis Gilberto Murillo as Leyva's…

2024-05-15 21:14:55 | 21:14 EST | by | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-05-10: News Headlines

latintimes (2024-05-10). Costa Rica Announces Electricity Rationing Plan Amid Drought. latintimes.com Hydroelectric plants are responsible for supplying 70% of the Central American country's electricity, and the state-run electricity company, ICE, has partially blamed the drought problem on El Niño. The present situation has forced the Costa Rican government to announce the electricity rationing plan.

2024-05-10 14:59:42 | 14:59 EST | by | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 

2024-05-09: News Headlines

teleSUR (2024-05-09). USAID Carries Out Covert Operations Against Venezuela: Gil. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil denounced that the United States Agency for International Cooperation (USAID) carries out covert operations against his country. | RELATED: | The Bolivian diplomat also pointed out that the U.S. Government uses the issue of migration as an instrument to promote sanctions against the Venezuelan people. | "USAID is an agency of covert political operations. Fakers and…

Associated Press (2024-05-09). Nicaragua cancels controversial Chinese canal concession after nearly a decade. scmp.com Nicaragua's congress, controlled by President Daniel Ortega, repealed a law which had given a Chinese investor a concession of up to 100 years to build and operate a canal between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans…

2024-05-09 14:39:42 | 14:39 EST | by | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-05-07: News Headlines

latintimes (2024-05-07). Guatemalans, Hondurans and Venezuelans among the nationals most deported by Mexico this year. latintimes.com The country published a report showing it deported over 8,600 people during the first quarter of the year. The large majority were Central Americans…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-05-07). Venezuela y Nicaragua felicitan a nuevo presidente de Panamá. telesurtv.net Ambos Gobiernos expresaron su deseo de mantener una relación bilateral constructiva en beneficio de las naciones.

2024-05-07 16:12:43 | 16:12 EST | tr | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0