2020-02-01: News Headlines

Staff (2020-02-01). Look to Iowa for a 2020 Election Preview. truthdig.com What can 24 hours in Iowa tell you about the political circus that is the 2020 election? A lot. You can start by hearing Iowans describe their values: that civic identity that they take great pride in. And you can contrast it to what the president's re-election campaign has put forth as its values, as seen in the medium that Trump knows best. Not political tradition, but Trump-branded campaign merchandise. | Let's start with the high road. Every state has its political vanities. So, it was no accident that one of the first events held Wednesday by Mayor Pete (Buttigieg), to make a closing argument for his long-sh…

Ben Norton (2020-01-25). Mientras Trump reduce los cupones de alimentos, USAID financia un cambio de régimen de Venezuela con 500 millones de dólares en dinero de impuestos. thegrayzone.com La administración Trump ha gastado 654 millones de dólares en "ayuda" para tratar de derrocar al gobierno de Venezuela, incluidos…

Joe Emersberger (2019-12-20). Notes on a private TV newscast in Bolivia. The contrast with Venezuela is clear as day. zcomm.org In August, I took detailed notes a news broadcast on one of Venezuela's largest TV networks. I summarized these notes in an interview I did with the Real News Network making the point that Venezuela's private media (which reaches 60-90% of households) is remarkably free — most especially when you consider the US is openly