Monthly Archives: July 2021

2021-07-24: News Headlines

teleSUR, JGN (2021-07-23). El Salvador ordena arresto de expresidente Sánchez Cerén. La FGR indicó que pedirá a la Policía Internacional (Interpol) que gire una alerta roja, a fin de arrestar a Sánchez Cerén (2014-2019).

Elaine Elinson (2021-07-23). And yet we signed: Behind the letter to the president of Nicaragua. Hundreds who spent the 1980s doing Sandinista solidarity work are now condemning Daniel Ortega's new wave of political repression. Here's why…

John Perry (2021-07-23). Why U.S. Policy Toward Nicaragua Isn't Working. After the U.S.-Russian summit in June, there was no apparent irony in President Biden's response to a question about electoral interference. "Let's get this straight," he said. "How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with the elections directly of other countries, and everybody knew

teleSUR, AC, JGN (2021-07-23). 60 años del FSLN: nacido y pensado por la libertad de Nicaragua. El Gobierno nicaragüense liderado por el comandante Daniel Ortega ostenta logros económicos.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-07-23). Statement of the International Delegation to Nicaragua, July 18-25 2021. We have come to Nicaragua this week to see for ourselves the lived reality of the Nicaraguan people. We are here from the United States, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico. From July 18 to July 25 our delegation, organized by the Nicaragua Network, had the opportunity to visit Managua,Granada, Estelí and Masaya. We have seen the…

2021-07-24 18:11 | 20:11 EST | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0

2021-07-23: News Headlines

John Perry (2021-07-23). Why U.S. Policy Toward Nicaragua Isn't Working. After the U.S.-Russian summit in June, there was no apparent irony in President Biden's response to a question about electoral interference. "Let's get this straight," he said. "How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with the elections directly of other countries, and everybody knew

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-07-22). The Sandinista Revolution Today: Interview. Kawsachun News President Daniel Ortega arrives on Avenida Bolivar a Chavez to crowds of supporters. July 19, 2021. The Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua, one of Latin America's most important revolutions, marked its 42nd anniversary on July 19th. Kawsachun News spoke exclusively to Silke Pérez, a member of the Association of Rural Workers (Asociación de Trabajadores…

James Phillips (2021-07-22). Why I Cannot Sign a Letter From Some Fellow Activists Critical of the Nicaraguan Government. In reply to friends who have asked that I sign a letter criticizing the Nicaraguan government for gross human rights violations and (absurdly) "crimes against humanity." I cannot sign this letter. I am sad to see it promoted by some longtime friends who have been in solidarity with Nicaragua since the 1980s. But other longtime

2021-07-23 20:56 | 14:56 EST | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0

2021-07-22: News Headlines

James Phillips (2021-07-22). Why I Cannot Sign a Letter From Some Fellow Activists Critical of the Nicaraguan Government. In reply to friends who have asked that I sign a letter criticizing the Nicaraguan government for gross human rights violations and (absurdly) "crimes against humanity." I cannot sign this letter. I am sad to see it promoted by some longtime friends who have been in solidarity with Nicaragua since the 1980s. But other longtime

scorinoco (2021-07-21). Nicaragua: US Sanctions Will Disrupt Sustainable Beef Production and Reforestation. By Richard Kohn — Jul 19, 2021 | Recently, there have been reports in the news media that Nicaragua is destroying its rain forests and allowing beef ranchers to convert them to pastures in the country's vast nature reserves. A network of supposed human rights and environmental groups are calling for an increase in the intensity of sanctions against Nicaragua, ending beef imports from Nicaragua, and ending international carbon trading credits that support reforestation programs there. | Contrary to this misleading narrative, the nature reserves in Nicaragua are not being deforested, and the Nicaraguan governm…

2021-07-21: News Headlines

scorinoco (2021-07-21). Nicaragua: US Sanctions Will Disrupt Sustainable Beef Production and Reforestation. By Richard Kohn — Jul 19, 2021 | Recently, there have been reports in the news media that Nicaragua is destroying its rain forests and allowing beef ranchers to convert them to pastures in the country's vast nature reserves. A network of supposed human rights and environmental groups are calling for an increase in the intensity of sanctions against Nicaragua, ending beef imports from Nicaragua, and ending international carbon trading credits that support reforestation programs there. | Contrary to this misleading narrative, the nature reserves in Nicaragua are not being deforested, and the Nicaraguan governm…

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2021-07-21). Advierten presión de EE.UU para que países declaren contra Cuba. Las autoridades cubanas han denunciado que el Gobierno de EE.UU. recurre a maniobras injerencistas para recrudecer el bloqueo impuesto a la isla caribeña.

teleSUR, JL (2021-07-21). Denuncian represión a manifestantes en ciudades de Colombia. En varias regiones se reportaron hechos represivos, donde el Esmad atacó con gases y bombas aturdidoras a los manifestantes.

sputniknews (2021-07-21). US Attacks Sovereignty from Haiti to Cuba to China. 'Core Group' just kinda decided who the Haitian government is; Dems push for decriminalizing marijuana; NSO spyware exposed; US attacks on Cuba and China connected…

Mark Gruenberg (2021-07-20). Nicaraguan ambassador: U.S. scheming to use election to defeat Socialist government. WASHINGTON—With the Nicaraguan presidential election approaching fast, the U.S. government is scheming to use the balloting to defeat the independent Socialist Frente Sandinista government and its gains there, its ambassador, Francisco Campbell says. "There is still a systematic attempt" to ensure current President Daniel Ortega and the Frente Sandinista, the Sandinista National Liberation Front, loses, …

_____ (2021-07-20). The Sandinista Revolution Reaches 42 Years Of Victories. On Monday, Nicaragua celebrates the 42nd anniversary of the victory of the revolution led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which overthrew the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza on July 19, 1979. | The celebrations began on Sunday with a night party at the Faith Square next to Xolotlan Lake, where citizens gathered to dance, eat and drink among revolutionary sounds emitted from speakers. | Nicaragua's vice president Rosario Murillo said that her administration promoted over 5,000 cultural and recreational activities, which will include vigils and mass concerts. On this day, Nicaraguan…

teleSUR, JL (2021-07-20). Pdte. Ortega: Pese a los ataques, tenemos una economía estable. Durante el aniversario de la Revolución Sandinista, el presidente rindió honores a los combatientes e instó a seguir defendiendo la soberanía nacional.

teleSUR, yart, JCM (2021-07-20). Varios líderes saludan aniversario de la Revolución Sandinista. Desde el mecanismo regional, ALBA-TCP, también manifestaron su congratulación y apoyo a Nicaragua.

The Conversation (2021-07-20). As a new Generation Emerges, Evangelical support for Israel is neither permanent nor inevitable. By Walker Robins | — Israel's former ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer, made waves in May 2021 when he publicly suggested that Israel should prioritize its relationship with American evangelicals over American Jews. Dermer described evangelicals as the "backbone of Israel's support in the United States." By contrast, he described American Jews as "disproportionately …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-07-20). New vaccine platform invented by Mayo enters COVID-19 clinical trial. A Mayo Clinic lab member is purifying an adenovirus vector for preclinical testing. A novel single-cycle adenovirus vaccine platform developed by Mayo Clinic will be used to target multiple infectious diseases and cancer indications, beginning with a phase 1 clinical study using the platform as a vaccine for COVID-19. Developed to enhance the expression of target antigens, the single-cycle adenovirus platform is under investigation for its ability to amplify immune responses. In contrast to replication-defective…

2021-07-21 20:56 | 16:56 EST | 10 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 0

2021-07-20: News Headlines

Mark Gruenberg (2021-07-20). Nicaraguan ambassador: U.S. scheming to use election to defeat Socialist government. WASHINGTON—With the Nicaraguan presidential election approaching fast, the U.S. government is scheming to use the balloting to defeat the independent Socialist Frente Sandinista government and its gains there, its ambassador, Francisco Campbell says. "There is still a systematic attempt" to ensure current President Daniel Ortega and the Frente Sandinista, the Sandinista National Liberation Front, loses, …

_____ (2021-07-20). The Sandinista Revolution Reaches 42 Years Of Victories. On Monday, Nicaragua celebrates the 42nd anniversary of the victory of the revolution led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which overthrew the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza on July 19, 1979.

teleSUR, JL (2021-07-20). Pdte. Ortega: Pese a los ataques, tenemos una economía estable. Durante el aniversario de la Revolución Sandinista, el presidente rindió honores a los combatientes e instó a seguir defendiendo la soberanía nacional.

teleSUR, yart, JCM (2021-07-20). Varios líderes saludan aniversario de la Revolución Sandinista. Desde el mecanismo regional, ALBA-TCP, también manifestaron su congratulación y apoyo a Nicaragua.

The Conversation (2021-07-20). As a new Generation Emerges, Evangelical support for Israel is neither permanent nor inevitable. By Walker Robins | — Israel's former ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer, made waves in May 2021 when he publicly suggested that Israel should prioritize its relationship with American evangelicals over American Jews. Dermer described evangelicals as the "backbone of Israel's support in the United States." By contrast, he described American Jews as "disproportionately …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-07-20). New vaccine platform invented by Mayo enters COVID-19 clinical trial. A Mayo Clinic lab member is purifying an adenovirus vector for preclinical testing. A novel single-cycle adenovirus vaccine platform developed by Mayo Clinic will be used to target multiple infectious diseases and cancer indications, beginning with a phase 1 clinical study using the platform as a vaccine for COVID-19. Developed to enhance the expression of target antigens, the single-cycle adenovirus platform is under investigation for its ability to amplify immune responses. In contrast to replication-defective…

teleSUR (2021-07-19). Russia Ratifies Support To Produce Sputnik V in Nicaragua. On Monday, Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov conveyed Russia's support for Nicaragua when the United States is orchestrating a smear campaign against the government of President Daniel Ortega. | RELATED: | "We stand in solidarity with Nicaragua in defense of its independence and sovereignty. We categorically reject attempts to interfere in its internal affairs," Lavrov said after a meeting with Nicaraguan Foreign Affairs…

teleSUR, JCM, JGN (2021-07-19). Logros sociales a 42 años del triunfo de Revolución Sandinista. Las transformaciones emprendidas por el Gobierno sandinista han sido notables en sectores como la salud, la educación y el combate a la pobreza.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-07-19). Nicaragua: U.S. Sanctions Will Disrupt Sustainable Beef Production and Reforestation. Richard Kohn, Ph.D. Recently, there have been reports in the news media that Nicaragua is destroying its rain forests and allowing beef ranchers to convert them to pastures in the country's vast nature reserves. A network of supposed human rights and environmental groups are calling for an increase in the intensity of sanctions against Nicaragua,…

2021-07-21 00:33 | 20:33 EST | 9 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0

2021-07-19: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-07-19). Nicaragua: U.S. Sanctions Will Disrupt Sustainable Beef Production and Reforestation. Richard Kohn, Ph.D. Recently, there have been reports in the news media that Nicaragua is destroying its rain forests and allowing beef ranchers to convert them to pastures in the country's vast nature reserves. A network of supposed human rights and environmental groups are calling for an increase in the intensity of sanctions against Nicaragua,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-07-19). New vaccine platform invented by Mayo enters COVID-19 clinical trial. A Mayo Clinic lab member is purifying an adenovirus vector for preclinical testing. A novel single-cycle adenovirus vaccine platform developed by Mayo Clinic will be used to target multiple infectious diseases and cancer indications, beginning with a phase 1 clinical study using the platform as a vaccine for COVID-19. Developed to enhance the expression of target antigens, the single-cycle adenovirus platform is under investigation for its ability to amplify immune responses. In contrast to replication-defective…

teleSUR, JCM, JGN (2021-07-19). Logros sociales a 42 años del triunfo de Revolución Sandinista. Las transformaciones emprendidas por el Gobierno sandinista han sido notables en sectores como la salud, la educación y el combate a la pobreza.

_____ (2021-07-18). As Sanctions Intensify, Organizations Tell US To Stop Interfering In Nicaragua. Thirty-five years ago, on June 27, 1986, the International Court of Justice in the Hague ruled that the United States had violated international law by supporting the contras and mining Nicaragua's harbors- in breach of our country's international obligations "to not use force against another state, not to intervene in its affairs and not to violate its sovereignty." The decision included the need to pay reparations, calculated at over $US 17 billion. The US refused to comply. Over 30,000 Nicaraguans died as a result of the war and their economy was totally destroyed by the time the war ended. | The US went on to…

Roger D. Harris (2021-07-18). US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election: Former Solidarity Activists Echo Imperial Talking Points.

2021-07-20 03:04 | 23:04 EST | 5 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 0