2023-09-29: News Headlines

Jeunes anticapitalistes (2023-09-29). "The world needs to be aware that human rights are being trampled on in Nicaragua" internationalviewpoint.org "Denounce Ortega to international organizations. Call on human rights organizations. Drive support campaigns." | – | / |

Jeunes anticapitalistes (2023-09-28). "The world needs to be aware that human rights are being trampled on in Nicaragua" internationalviewpoint.org "Denounce Ortega to international organizations. Call on human rights organizations. Drive support campaigns." | – | / |

sputnikglobe (2023-09-29). BRICS Expansion Indicates World Tired of US Hegemony – Nicaraguan Top Diplomat. sputnikglobe.com UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – The expansion of BRICS indicates that the world is tired of US hegemony and imperialism, Nicaraguan Foreign Affairs Minister Denis Moncada told Sputnik.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-29). Canada Honoring Nazi Veteran Can Be Seen as 'State Crime' – Nicaragua. sputnikglobe.com UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – The incident involving the honoring of Ukrainian Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian parliament can be viewed as a state crime, Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada told Sputnik.

guest author (2023-09-30). 'Wuthering Heights' at four summits. workers.org A Venezuelan international relations expert, Rodriguez Gelfenstein was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua and an adviser for international politics for TeleSUR. X: @sergioro0701 Translation: John Catalinotto. The title of this article alludes to an extraordinary . . . |

guest author (2023-09-29). Cuatro 'Cumbres borrascosas'. workers.org El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano, y fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la Presidencia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y Embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Nicaragua. El título de este artículo alude a una extraordinaria novela escrita por Emily Brontà´ a mediados del . . . |

teleSUR (2023-09-29). Slovakia Holds Elections After 5-Year Political Crisis. telesurenglish.net On Saturday, Slovakia is gearing up for early elections after five tumultuous years that witnessed four different prime ministers and a wave of corruption-related arrests. | RELATED: | The nationalist message of former Prime Minister Robert Fico is currently the front-runner, contrasting with the pro-European liberalism of Michal Simecka. | In 2018, the murder of journalist Jan Kuciak, who exposed the links betwee…

unitedEditor (2023-09-28). US senators propose sanctions against Azerbaijan and demand US-led monitoring mission to Karabakh. unitedworldint.com The United States is continuing its attempts to get a foot into the South Caucasus using Armenia and the ethnic Armenians, while pressuring Azerbaijan. On September 25, USAID Administrator Samantha Power has conveyed U.S. President Joe Biden's letter to Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. "I assure you the United States will continue to stand …

unitedEditor (2023-09-28). US senators propose sanctions against Azerbaijan and demand US-led monitoring mission to Karabakh. uwidata.com The United States is continuing its attempts to get a foot into the South Caucasus using Armenia and the ethnic Armenians, while pressuring Azerbaijan. On September 25, USAID Administrator Samantha Power has conveyed U.S. President Joe Biden's letter to Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. "I assure you the United States will continue to stand …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-28). Protests against mining concession given to Canadian company intensify in Panama. peoplesdispatch.org Since early August, Panamanian trade unions, Indigenous groups, and people's movements have been taking to the streets in different parts of the country in rejection of a concession contract signed in March between the government of President Laurentino Cortizo and Minera Panamá S.A., a subsidiary of the Canadian multinational mining company First Quantum Minerals Limited. | The contract allows the mining company to continue operations at one of Central America's largest open-pit copper mines, Cobre Panamá, for 20 years, with the possibility of extending the period for another 20 years. It also authorizes the com…

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