2023-10-01: News Headlines

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-10-01). Biden Has Relaunched Reagan's Murderous War Against Nicaraguan Democracy—How Many Is He Willing to Kill to Win? globalresearch.ca

JANET (2023-09-30). Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander Cuba. iacenter.org September 27, 2023 Senator Bob Menendez, in the news recently, is nothing but a front man for the Cuban right-wing Gusanos, those worms who left Cuba after the 1959 revolution stopped their exploitation and theft. The Democrat from New Jersey is notorious for his furious rants against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and any country that dares to pursue a socialist path. Menendez has taken up other despicable causes, such as backing the "Israel Anti-Boycott Act" that would criminalize free speech in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). As recently as May 11, Menendez sent a vicious message…

JANET (2023-09-30). 'Wuthering Heights' at four summits. iacenter.org By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein September 29, 2023 A Venezuelan international relations expert, Rodriguez Gelfenstein was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua and an adviser for international politics for TeleSUR. X: @sergioro0701 Translation: John Catalinotto. The title of this article alludes to an extraordinary novel written by Emily Brontà´ in the middle of the 19th century and which, on many occasions, has been adapted for film and television. I saw the 1992 version directed by Peter Kosminsky…

dzorinoco (2023-10-01). Nicaragua: Putting People First. orinocotribune.com By Roger McKenzie — Aug 29, 2023 | Estelí, the eighth-largest city of the Central American nation, the de facto capital of the north, is also the country's main tobacco production region. The land around Estelí is ideal for growing cigar tobacco and the city became a conclave for Cuban cigar makers who left the Caribbean island after the revolution in 1959. Since that time Estelí has become one of the most important cigar producing cities anywhere in the world. | Tobacco and the health problems that arise from it for the workers who produce it and the smokers that use it seemed to me a good place to look at…

guest author (2023-09-30). 'Wuthering Heights' at four summits. workers.org A Venezuelan international relations expert, Rodriguez Gelfenstein was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua and an adviser for international politics for TeleSUR. X: @sergioro0701 Translation: John Catalinotto. The title of this article alludes to an extraordinary . . . |

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-30). Protests Against Mining Concession Given To Company Intensify In Panama. popularresistance.org Since early August, Panamanian trade unions, Indigenous groups, and people's movements have been taking to the streets in different parts of the country in rejection of a concession contract signed in March between the government of President Laurentino Cortizo and Minera Panamá S.A., a subsidiary of the Canadian multinational mining company First Quantum Minerals Limited. | The contract allows the mining company to continue operations at one of Central America's largest open-pit copper mines, Cobre Panamá, for 20 years, with the possibility of extending the period for another 20 years. It also authorizes the com…

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